Diversion And Other Case Remedies Not Resulting In A Conviction
Diversion is but one of a number of remedies in a select and very narrow number of criminal cases in which the defendant applies. Typically these kinds of remedies typically can be available in simple drug possession cases where the individual is charged with the posession or use charges only. More serious crimes of sales and transportation of drugs do not qualifty for Diversion or Prop 35, a similar remedy where a defendant completes a program and receives a dismissal without ever being convicted of a crime. The requirements to receive drug Diverson or Prop 36 relief will be detailed below.
Other classes of crimes in which a diversionary sentence may be available is in petty theft cases. Only some courthouses allow a form of Diversion for Petty Theft and is not something one receives as a matter of right. We always fight hard for our clients who receive a Petty Theft related case to do a Diversionary sentence. Theft crimes can be fatal to certain job applications so if you can get yourself qualified for a diversionary sentence for a theft crime, it is a substantial achievement.